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Writer's pictureSeanne N. Murray, Esq.

Mr. Allen’s HBCU Gifting Initiative Demands Equity for Black People in the Business of Art


I'm very happy to be part of this team, representing Steve R. Allen and this multi-million dollar art gifting initiative to, in part, demand equity for Black artists in the business of art.

Being a Wall Street veteran, I am still shocked by the size of art banking deals, loans on art as assets, and moreover, the limitations on access to the same.

With this initiative, HBCU students and the surrounding communities will have access to highly valued pieces, many of which hang in the founding and permanent collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in D.C.

Art created by Black people is diverse and unique.

I look forward to the day when it's equally and inclusively valued and when more have an understanding of, appreciation for and access to the financial value of art.


Please share, spread the word. Thank you!

Read full press release here:

PS: I'm proud to also own "Freedom Journey", one of 5 that exists in the world and also a Smithsonian piece.

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